Preview dialing operates in the following way:
- A new call request is assigned to an available Agent included in the outbound campaign;
- The Agent reviews the information about the call request and decides whether to make the call or not:
- if the Agent accepts to make the call, an outbound call to the phone number specified in the call request is initiated;
- if the Agent refuses to make the call, the request is transferred to the next available Agent.

Calling mode settings
The selected calling mode has the following settings:
- Preview time: The time period (in seconds) during which the Agent must decide whether to make the call for a given request.
- Wrap-up time: The time period (in seconds) during which the Agent performs post-call processing for a completed call.
- Max ring time: The time period (in seconds) during which the phone number specified in the call request will be dialed.
- Default retry period: The time period (in seconds/minutes/hours/days) after which a retry call for the request will be made.
- Max attempts per number: The maximum number of dialing attempts for a call request, after reaching which the request will be removed from the calling list.
If a contact record includes 3 phone numbers, and we set up Max attempts per number: 3, the system will dial each number 3 times, totaling 9 calls.
System disposition

Here you can configure how to automatically handle failed call requests within the outbound campaign. There is a list of pre-defined call outcomes:
- Contact busy: The contact declined the call.
- Contact no response: The contact did not answer the call within the Max ring time.
- Agent abandoned: The Agent disconnected the call during dialing the contact.
- Invalid number: The outbound campaign attempted to call an incorrect phone number.

For each outcome, you can specify one of 2 options:
- Retry: Make a retry call for the request;
- Final: Remove the request from the calling list.
For example, we go with the following settings: Retry period: 30 min, Attempts per record: 3. If a call fails, a retry call will be made in 30 minutes, and the total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts cannot exceed 3. This limit can be reached either with three Contact busy outcomes or with a combination of one Contact busy, one Contact no response and one Agent abandoned outcome, totaling 3. After reaching this limit, the request will be removed from the calling list.
You can set up each system disposition and configure the custom retry period and the number of retry attempts separately.
Agent disposition

Here you can add, modify and configure the call outcomes that your Agents can select in the webphone after completing a campaign call. You can add up to 30 agent dispositions in total.

Each call outcome:
- can be enabled/disabled for the campaign using the corresponding toggle;
- can be renamed;
- can have Retry or Final options applied, similar to system dispositions;
- can have custom retry logic similar to system dispositions.
The set of available agent dispositions is shared across all outbound campaigns. Renaming an agent disposition within one campaign changes its name across all other campaigns.
Once added, an agent disposition cannot be deleted.